Over the last several years we have joined with hundreds of organizations that defend the environment, democracy, working families, and human rights, small businesses, and faith communities to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the massive trade deal brokered by and for large corporations at the expensive of farmers, working families, public health, and environment.
Many of you have joined with us, sending thousands of emails to Congress expressing opposition and following up with phone calls.
The media reports the massive trade agreement is dead. The demise of the TPP is proof of a hard-won victory and shows that by organizing and working together we can accomplish great things. We want to take a moment to thank all of our supporters and allies for their perseverance and celebrate the news.
But there is still work to be done! Although there is virtually no chance the TPP can be introduced or passed in the “Lame Duck” session this year, we must remain vigilant to make sure it is not revived at a later date in its current or altered form.
We also need to continue to put forth our collective vision for global fair trade agreements, that are democratically crafted regulations and promote rather than undermine the interests of small-scale famers, working families, and the environment, and especially trade rules that reinforce our climate goals.
We look forward to the era of trade agreements that work for the many not the few!
For further reading and perspectives, here are some of our favorite statements on the end of the TPP put together by our allies:
- Derailment of TPP is a victory for Fair Trade Advocates – Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Posted on November 17th 2016
Kerstin Lindgren
This was Obama’s baby. Six years of secret negotiations, hundreds of corporations, 12 nations, a text over 3,000 pages long. The TPP would have been disastrous for consumers, the environment, workers. Good riddance to the TPP, and good riddance to Obama. Trump will be 10 times worse, but I’m glad Obama is almost history, anyway.