Marches for Transparency, Climate Justice, and Inclusion Planned – All Invited to Take Action!

Over 300,000 people marched during the people’s climate march in New York in 2014. Over a half million people marched in Washington DC for the Women’s March in January of this year with millions of other participating in similar marches around the world.

These events demonstrated loudly and clearly the demand of people for policies and practices that protect our planet, human rights, and the most vulnerable communities among us. These demonstrations of unity and power are an essential complement to individual calls and letters to policy makers.

Several opportunities to take collective action will take place across the United States in coming weeks.

April 15th – Tax Day Marches

Over 100 events across the U.S. and in at least four other countries have been planned on April 15th to ask President Trump to release his taxes. This level of transparency is important to ensure the President does not have conflicts of interests, especially those that favor powerful corporations over the interests of the citizens for whom he works.

April 22nd – March for Science

Hundreds of marches have been planned around the world on April 22nd to highlight the role of sound scientific information to inform the policies that affect us all.

April 29th – March for Climate, Jobs, and Justice

On April 29th, the next People’s Climate March will bring thousands of people to Washington DC to “show the world and our leaders that we will resist attacks on our people, our communities, and our planet.” Leaders will bring solutions to the climate crisis and call attention to the need for holistic action to protect people and planet.

In conjunction with the climate march, Fair World Project will hold a lobby day and training April 27-28. Details coming soon. Sign up for our newsletter to get updates.

May 1st General Strike

Just two days later, hundreds of thousands of workers across the country will celebrate International Workers Day by staying home or taking to the streets in a series of coordinated strikes and demonstrations.

This is a march for inclusion and policies that support rather than oppress and attack the most marginalized communities worldwide. From a call to action:

Contact your member of CongressWe will not sit by as families are shattered by immigration raids, Native sovereignty is violated, Muslims are banned, Black and Brown communities face even more criminalization, trans people are excluded and while corporate interest drives down wages and rapidly destroys the environment…. We strike because we do not accept exclusion based on religion, race, gender identity, class, or immigration status. We invite all marginalized people, their networks, and their allies to join in. On May Day, work for no one, buy nothing, and don’t go to school. Come out to the streets to demonstrate our unity and collective power. Pledge to strike with us by joining this event.

Small-scale farmers around the world already daily feel the impact of a changing climate. The climate crisis and unfair global trade agreements are among factors causing forced migration around the world as refugees flee conflict or seek livelihoods, but immigrants in the U.S. are increasingly targeted in raids or by discriminatory practices. Corporate power grows and consolidates as millions of people around the world struggle to meet their basic needs.

Now is the time to demand transparency, inclusion, justice, and policies that work for people. Whether you join a local march, commit to buying nothing on May 1st, or continue to write and call your government representatives, continue to make your voice heard!

See our related blog post for other ideas for getting involved and making your voice heard.

Posted on March 26th 2017
Kerstin Lindgren

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