To be listed on the Fair World Project website and/or to participate in our retailer programs, please fill out the following application. Contact* First Last Email* Phone*Brand URL*List membership organization and/or eco-social certification*What percentage of your product line is certified?*If you have multi-ingredient products, what is the volume percentage certified?*Are any of your ingredients not being traded under fair trade terms either certified or not?* Yes NoWhat are the ingredients not being sourced under fair trade termsWhy are these ingredients not being sourced under fair trade termsOut of your total sourcing what percentage do these ingredients make up?If you are not a member of the Fair Trade Federation, World Fair Trade Organization, Cooperative Coffees or certified by the SPP please submit 3 references by producer groups that show your commitment to small-scale producers.HiddenTo be eligible for Fair World Project's retailer initiative please provide additional information (optional)HiddenWhat is your main product category?HiddenHow are your products distributed?i.e. do you work with a distributor such as UNFI, sell direct only to fair trade retail locations.HiddenAre you nationally distributed in Whole Foods Market and NCGA?CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ ShareTweetPinEmail