Clean Technology: Remaking Auto Alley

By Catherine Tumber
Published on January 8, 2014
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"Small, Gritty, and Green," by Catherine Tumber, argues the viability of renewables in America's once prosperous small to mid-sized industrial towns.
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Clean technologies such as wind and solar energy could bring the auto industry back to life in America's Rust Belt.
Clean technologies such as wind and solar energy could bring the auto industry back to life in America's Rust Belt.

In Small, Gritty, and Green (MIT Press, 2012), Catherine Tumber takes a look into America’s once thriving industrial cities throughout the Rust Belt. Many cities in this region are known for their prevalence in auto manufacturing. This excerpt from Chapter 5, “Making Good,” considers how clean technology throughout Auto Alley could contribute to a shift toward low-carbon economy and benefit all levels of the auto industry.

You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: Small, Gritty, and Green.

The Solar Industry in Auto Alley

Today much of what is left of American manufacturing is dispersed throughout the small cities and towns of Auto Alley, an enormous swathe of land grouped between the north-south routes of I-65 (from Gary, Indiana, to Mobile, Alabama) and I-75 (between Flint, Michigan, and Atlanta, Georgia). The now-deconcentrated auto industry is geographically divided roughly between the North and South, with Japanese and other foreign transfer companies predominating in the South and U.S. companies in the North. Thanks to what the industry calls just-in-time sourcing since the 1980s — meaning that parts have to be within a short delivery distance from assembly plants — the more than 3,000 parts suppliers in Auto Alley serve both types of firms. As a result, the auto industry has been shielded from the most extreme forms of offshoring that decimated the electrical and consumer goods industries: three-quarters of the parts destined for U.S. auto assembly plants are made in the United States.

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