Comments on: Put People before Big Pharma Profits: Make COVID-19 Vaccines Accessible Wed, 08 Jun 2022 03:49:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Patricia Rodriguez Thu, 04 Mar 2021 13:04:18 +0000 If governments are in charge of vaxx accessibility then rather have Health Trade Talks with each other as nations of this world. Not everyone needs a vaxx but those that do aren’t necessarily getting it. #HealthIsaRight

By: Rebecca Koontz Thu, 25 Feb 2021 01:33:20 +0000 I’m disheartened to see this organization taking this stance on the covid vax. YOUR organization of all organizations should know how insanely unstable and untrustworthy our Government is-and should know that also applies to the fast tracked covid vax. Your organization who I’ve been apart of for a long time now should also know Biden’s stance on mandatory vaccines and your responsibility to protecting alienable rights does shift just because you don’t support Trump. Quite frankly, I’m disgusted that you are using your position which is fighting for the rights of 3rd world countries as a political plow to gain weight for a vaccine that we know very well will only cripple the people of these countries-just as they have blatantly done so in the past. Your a hypocrite and I will no longer be supporting anything that is associated with this organization.
