Choosing a Solar Installation Company

This installment in our series of reader questions on sustainable energy covers how to choose a creditable solar installation company.

By Hoss Boyd and Kerena Reese
Updated on July 29, 2023
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by AdobeStock/anatoliy_gleb

How do I know I’m dealing with a reputable solar installation company? — Les, Nebraska

Finding a Nationally Certified Solar Installation Company

Since I began as an apprentice electrician in the 1960s, the National Electrical Code has grown from a pocket handbook to a large manual with rules for solar and energy-storage installations. Here in Texas, as well as in other parts of the country, solar and energy storage is defined as electrical work, and you must be a licensed electrical contractor to “install or offer to install” electrical work. Although it varies by state and locale, the first indication a solar installation company is legitimate (but not necessarily reputable) is possession of a license.

To participate in utility companies’ solar rebate programs in the early days, it was a given that you had to be a licensed electrical contractor, but you also had to have a solar installation professional certificate (or be working toward getting one) from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP). I received certification after installing three solar projects, gaining several years of experience, and passing the most difficult test I’ve ever taken. Always look for the NABCEP Certification seal. For a directory of professionals working for a certified solar installation company, visit NABCEP.

Many solar installation companies will be out of business before the end of their first year, and most of the remaining ones will be gone in five. It’s a good sign when a solar installation company is still around after five years. That doesn’t make them superior, though, so you should definitely seek referrals. Note that a reliable and highly qualified installer doesn’t compete on price.

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