Does Walking Count as Exercise?

Grab your favorite pair of walking sneakers, and head outside for fresh air and great exercise.

Reader Contribution by Jay Walljasper and Commons Magazine
Updated on May 13, 2024
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Adobe Stock/chocobluesky19

Does walking count as exercise? Learn the great benefits of walking and get some tips on how to get outside more and incorporate walking in your daily life.

Does Walking Count as Exercise?

Yes! Walking can be a great way to stay healthy and fit. Here are some ways to do it more often and make it more enjoyable.

Ways to Get Outside More and Walk

1. Find your natural rhythm. Figure out the best times to walk for your schedule. Maybe it’s first thing in the morning. Or with your kids on the way to school. After lunch. Taking the dog out. After dinner. Before bedtime. With friends or family on the weekends.

2. Seize the opportunity whenever you can. Pay attention to how you can naturally incorporate walking into your life, rather than making it one more thing added to your busy schedule. Take the stairs instead of an elevator. Park a few blocks from your destinations. Ride transit (which usually involves a short walk on both ends of the trip). Swap the drive to the gym for a hike around the neighborhood. Run errands on foot. It all adds up.

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