Wooden Hay Baler

By Bob Hackenberg
Updated on July 23, 2024
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by Bob Hackenberg
Photo A: The author’s grandson, Austin, experiments with using the baler to form a bale.

When you build your own wooden hay baler, you can hand bale hay without the need for equipment, so you can shape and put away hay.

I have a 10-acre farm east of Noblesville, Indiana. I rent out 6 acres to a farmer who grows corn and soybeans. Of the remaining land, 2 acres are fenced-in pasture that was originally used for horses, but I made use of it to raise a couple of French Alpine milk goats. The goats loved the field grasses mixed with a variety of weeds. I quickly saw the need to store up some hay for winter. Since I only had two goats, I knew I wouldn’t need much hay for the winter months, and I figured I could make my own hay from the pasture. For the amount of hay I needed, I knew I could scythe the hay and dry it with no problem. However, the challenge would be baling hay.

Commercial balers are expensive and would’ve been considerable overkill for what I needed. So, I searched online and found two videos of a similar small baler, one being used in a churchyard in England, and almost the same design being used by a guy in East Texas for baling pine straw. However, neither video provided any plans for constructing the baler. That presented me with the need to get creative. The following is what I came up with.

The baler consists of a box with a door and a compressor bar that pushes the hay down from the top. After some experimentation, I was able to build the baler in just a couple of days. I used scrap wood I had lying around and spent about $50 on hardware and baler twine. I also used a battery-operated drill with drill bits and adapters to drive in screws and to tighten nuts, a table saw to cut the plywood and lumber, and a portable saw to cut the slits in the door.

The Baler Box

The actual dimensions of the baler’s box can vary, but the larger you go, the more physical strength you’ll need to firmly compress the hay. The resulting bale will also be heavier.

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