USDA Dietary Guidelines Topics for Public Comment

Reader Contribution by Usda
Published on March 6, 2018
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The U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS) are looking to the public for help. In creating the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, they are reaching out to the community to conduct their research.

Every 5 years, the USDA updates their guidelines to match current research and to keep the public knowledgeable on the best nutritional information. For the 2020-2025 edition, the USDA has begun to conduct new research through the public, asking for public comments and questions on topics supporting scientific questions to help with the development of the next publication.

This new approach is meant to provide the public with more transparency and opportunities to participate. This is a new step in the Dietary Guidelines process; the USDA is looking for public comments and questions on the proposed topics, to get a better understanding for what the public thinks of current dietary research, what they do or do not already know, and what they would like to know in the future. This window of opportunity will be open to the public for 30 days, beginning February 28 of this year and ending March 30.

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines topics the USDA and HHS are proposing are based on four criteria:

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