Comments on: Human-Centered Trade: Still Possible? Thu, 10 Sep 2020 21:21:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Palmer Thu, 10 Sep 2020 21:21:55 +0000 Hi Dr. Galvez. What about the “new NAFTA” under President Trump. My students have been reading a lot about how bad NAFTA is, but one of my students asked me this excellent question in an email and I don’t know enough about current events to respond: “I’m on chapter 2 reading about NAFTA and all that its done to the farmers. It did a lot of harm to people. It was approved in 1994, along with the 94 crime bill which I am against. Would you say that the USMCA, created in 2018 is better for the farmers in America and in Mexico? Is it a better policy that needs public awareness, after all the harm that was done to the farmers after NAFTA? Also, I have to write a senior paper on something similar to farmers in Kern County so I have been learning about this.

I just watched this (on the details) on what the President announced about the changes that are taking place. At 25:30 minutes the USTR leader gives the run down on the new policy of USMCA as well. I felt better after learning we made changes, I wanted to ask you what do you think about the change away from NAFTA after watching this?

Heres the link:

By: Alyshia Galvez Tue, 24 Sep 2019 12:52:53 +0000 In reply to Harriet Heywood.

Thank you for reading it!

By: Harriet Heywood Wed, 11 Sep 2019 23:00:46 +0000 Thank you Dr. Galvez for this beautiful piece. Foof sovereignty must be at the forefront of people and planet-centered trade. Trade deals written by monopoly corporations behind closed doors and passed on to friendly legislators does not work for people and planet.
