Food Security During a Global Pandemic

Why more and more people can't take food security for granted during this ongoing worldwide pandemic.

By Anna Twitto
Published on December 16, 2021
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by Unsplash/Edgar Baltazar

COVID-19 is like a giant stone someone had hurled into the global pond: we can all feel the ripples, which in some cases are more like waves. Food prices and food security is one obvious example.

You probably remember the toilet paper rush at the start of the pandemic. All of a sudden, supermarket shelves were empty of TP and other basic essentials, with most of the public hoarding in a blind panic. Locally, we saw the shortages of other staple products, like eggs and butter. At the time it seemed like a temporary glitch, but now the picture appears different.

Most authoritative sources agree: food prices are rising, and the trend isn’t likely to stop anytime soon. Many of the reasons have to do with the pandemic in some way or other, including production and supply chain disruptions, increased shipping costs, and the dollar’s deprecation.

For people in developing countries, and for economically vulnerable people in developed countries, this may be a disaster. Some will get by with trimming off extras and being more mindful of what they put in their shopping cart. Others will face the painful choice between food and medicines, utilities, or transportation.

According to this article, “Large numbers of people in the Indo-Pacific region have returned to farming due to the economic impact of the pandemic; in many ways farming has acted as a de facto social safety net.”

It appears to me that those who were able to return to farming actually have an advantage over people in poor urban centers who may have had fewer options. In developed countries, many people don’t have the space or time to grow significant amounts of food. People who are locked into the money economy and have a fixed income will have no choice but to retrench and allocate more of their budget to food.

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