Why the Midget White Turkey is the Perfect Homestead Turkey

By Troy Griepentrog
Published on August 20, 2008
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In 1971 only six specimens of the midget white turkey were alive. In 2008, they’ve won a taste test and have a reputation as an excellent homestead turkey.

The white midget turkey is rapidly developing a reputation as an amiable, small-flock turkey. Bernard Wentworth, who holds doctorates in poultry science and avian physiology, is credited as saving the breed from extinction. We wondered what was so special about the breed, so we asked Wentworth a few questions.

What made midget white turkeys so memorable from your early work with them?

It is a very attractive bird. Can you imagine a senior citizen couple sharing Thanksgiving alone and still having a beautiful roasted 10-pound turkey at their table?

In your experience, is there a flavor difference between midget whites and other breeds?

The midget white turkey develops very slowly (not economical). Consequently they would likely be older than the commercial turkey when consumed. Therefore it is likely the flavor would be more apparent.

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