7 Advantages of Keeping Guinea Fowl on Your Homestead

Though people may complain about guinea fowl being loud, there are many advantages of keeping guinea fowl on your property.

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Poindexter
Updated on July 7, 2022
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Adobe Stock/Hislightrq

Though people may complain about guinea fowl being loud, there are many advantages of keeping guinea fowl on your property.

Guinea fowl have an almost prehistoric appearance when they are compared to chickens and other types of fowl. Their plumage is spattered with black and white feathers on their bodies. And depending on the breed of the guinea, the face and neck feathers that they have are generally shiny and entirely black.

They have red eyes that look rather fierce as well. The helmeted guinea fowl looks the most prehistoric of all because it has a horn on top of a patch of red skin that looks just like a helmet sitting on its head. There is also a guinea that looks very similar to a vulture too. The unique attributes of this type of fowl make them an interesting addition to a farm, but their looks aren’t why most people keep them. Read on for several benefits of having a flock of guineas.

Although some people are against the idea of raising guinea fowls because of their reputation for being loud, there are many advantages that may outshine the disadvantages. Read on for several benefits of having a flock of guineas.

Benefits of Keeping Guinea Fowl

1. Pest Control

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