Fleece Bedding for Guinea Pigs

Learn about using fleece bedding for guinea pigs and other small pets as well as practical considerations, such as saving money on liners.

Reader Contribution by Danielle Pientka
Updated on June 21, 2022
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For guinea pig bedding ideas, try using fleece bedding for guinea pigs and other small pets to save money on liners while keeping pets comfortable.

A couple of years ago, my oldest son asked for a guinea pig for Christmas. I think caring for animals is an important skill for kids, and my oldest has always been a great helper with our dog and ducks. We had a discussion about how Santa doesn’t bring animals and that Mommy needed to be sure he would be responsible for caring for a pet before she’d allow one.

We picked up books about caring for guinea pigs at the library and spent weeks reading over them. We talked about what type of jobs he would need to do. We talked about how animals poop and when you have an animal, you’re responsible for the poop — even if it does sound gross.

On my part, I did a lot of research on cage size, supplies, and bedding. I quickly discovered that small animal bedding can be pricey. With the recommended size for a guinea pig cage, you can go through a lot of bedding in a short time.

Not only is the bedding expensive, but some types of bedding can be hazardous to your pet’s health. Cedar and pine shavings can cause respiratory issues, allergies, and skin conditions. I try to minimize the expense of my animals by making sure we care for them properly. … It’s nice to avoid unnecessary veterinary bills.

And while paper bedding is compostable- the plastic bag it’s wrapped in is not.

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