Issue 2 Spring 2011 08/08/201207/15/2018 by Contributing Writer Posted in Issue 2, Magazine ArticlesFOR A BETTER WORLD – ISSUE 2: FAIR TRADE VS. CONVENTIONAL “FREE” TRADE – READ THE FULL PUBLICATION AS PDFDownload The Full PublicationLetter From The EditorFair Trade Timeline and ContributorsReference Guide to Fair Trade Certifiers and Membership OrganizationsFair Trade vs. Conventional “Free” Trade: An IntroductionThe Many Faces of Fair TradeMaggie’s Organics – The Fabric of HumanityAfrican Self-Empowerment Through Fair Trade Shea ButterChocolate: the Bitter and the SweetSupermarkets, Tomatoes and Farmworker JusticeTo Tell the Truth: Who Owns Fair Trade?ShareTweetPinEmail