How I Raised a Year’s Worth of Grass-Fed Beef for Practically Nothing

Is it cheaper to raise your own beef? Is it even worth raising your own meat? Yes, it is absolutely cheaper and worth the time and effort to do so!

By Kelly Morris
Updated on June 7, 2022
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Adobe Stock/Beatrice
Learn how you can raise your own beef while making the most of the resources you have.

Is it cheaper to raise your own beef?  Is it even worth raising your own meat? Yes, it is absolutely cheaper and completely worth the time and effort to do so!

Before moving to our 10-acre farm 12 years ago, I homesteaded in every capacity possible in the suburbs.

Our suburban lot was small, and the south side of our house was blocked by the neighbor’s house.  Still, I did everything I could to grow our own food. This included tearing out most of the landscaping and planting food all around the house.

Canning food was a skill that I learned from a neighbor at our previous house, and so I canned everything I could get my hands on. In addition to the food we grew, I frequented “U-pick” farms, farmers markets, and took advantage of “loss leader” sales at the grocery.

Every winter, we enjoyed the homemade marinara sauce, jams, and vegetables that we put up. What was lacking in my repertoire, however, was livestock and the ability to raise our own meat.

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