Grow Amazing Alliums: How to Plant Onion Bulbs and Seeds

Grow a year’s worth of onions with these tips.

By Jenny Underwood
Updated on October 31, 2024
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by Adobestock/Наталья Устинова

Grow amazing alliums and learn how to plant onion bulbs at home. Starting onions from seed is easy; learn how to plant onion seeds and the best cultivars based on your growing zone.

Our family loves cooking with onions, so we decided to try growing our own a few years ago. We purchased onion starts online and had success, but after reading about starting our own seeds, we had to try them. From there, we’ve progressed to growing more varieties, larger onions, and more significant amounts. This year, we grew about 1,000 onions that we started ourselves!

First, take heart if you’re a beginner; onions aren’t an overly tricky crop to grow. They require lots of nitrogen-rich soil and consistent water and sunshine. Our area has few onion pests, and what we do have does minimal damage. However, each location is unique, so check with other onion growers in your area for pest specifics.

Onions can be grown in high tunnels, gardens, raised beds, and containers. Build hills to plant the onions directly into the ground. If you’re planting in raised beds, this isn’t necessary. To help retain moisture and prevent weeds, add mulch, such as straw, pine needles, chopped leaves, and strips of cardboard in the middle of the rows (don’t place cardboard too close to the onions, or they may not bulb effectively).

Many varieties of onions are broken down into three categories: short-day, intermediate, and long-day. Look at a map for onions to find your general area. Long-day onions are grown in the northern half of the U.S. and require about 15 hours of sun and are ready to harvest in about 90 days; intermediate onions are grown roughly in the middle of the U.S. and require about 12 hours of sun and are ready for harvest in about 110 days; and short-day onions are grown in southern states with about 10 hours of sun and are ready to harvest in about 110 days. If you live in another country, check your onion zone!

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