Alternatives to Grass in Backyards

By John Vivian
Updated on June 27, 2023
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by Adobestock/Jamie Hooper

Plan a great-looking yard by incorporating alternatives to grass in backyards, including diverse plants, xeriscaping, and forms of natural lawn pest control.

For many people, lawn maintenance is a laborious chore. Every weekend finds us trudging to the garage and fighting to start our reluctant, gas-powered rotary mower. Then we push the snarling little demon over wet, slippery grass, never minding the half-inch thick cutter blade whirling at 2500 rpm just inches from our tender toes.

Why do we do it? And how can we stop doing it? A low-maintenance lawn is easier to achieve than you think.

Principles of the Carefree Lawn

There are five guiding principles for lawnkeeping in contemporary landscaping that we should all strive to attain.

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