Health Effects of 5 Beneficial Weeds

By Erin Stewart
Updated on March 28, 2023
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Erin Stewart
Red Clover by Erin Stewart

Herbal weeds are nearly everywhere, and their benefits are many. Here are five of my favorite beneficial weeds that you can likely find in your own backyard!

Beneficial Weeds?

Garden weeds are often thought to be a nuisance destined for eradication in modern western culture, but I have come to appreciate them as an herbalist. Many herbal weeds have beneficial effects on health, contribute to the health of the soil, produce flowers that can serve as food sources for our pollinators, and thrive in difficult growing conditions.

Herbal tradition includes plenty of stories lauding the potential benefits of these herbal weeds, but did you know that there is also some clinical evidence that they work? Let’s look at five of my favorite beneficial weeds and see what science tells us about them.

Dandelion Root Benefits (Taraxacum officinale)

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