Mushroom Stuffed Squash

Reader Contribution by Stephanie Bishop
Published on August 30, 2018
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As the light changes, the leaves start to turn and the air hints at a touch of autumn, it’s time to harvest the bounty of the garden. Squashes are prolific producers yielding a generous crop that can be stored for use during the winter months and prepared many different ways. In summer they go on the grill, shredded into a recipe or chopped into a salad. I love them stuffed and baked especially on cool autumn days when warmth from the oven is a welcome thing. I stumbled by accident on a type of squash that can fit in either of these categories.

Each year I experiment with different types and plant favorites. I love acorn squash. I ordered what was supposed to be acorn squash. They thrived and started climbing the bean trellis. When the first fruits appeared I had a mystery in the garden. These were not acorn. They resembled pumpkins. I posted pictures online asking if anyone knew what they were. Many thought they were round zucchini. I cut one open thinking I would shred it up for a recipe. Not zucchini. Firm, hard and crisp, slightly sweet-some kind of squash.

I scanned my seed catalogs to see if I could identify. I think I grew ‘Tatuma’ which is both a summer and winter squash if left on the vine. Picked small it is similar to zucchini. If left to ripen it will change to a golden color.  It’s an heirloom popular in Latin dishes.

In any case, I had some cut squash to use so I made a mushroom stuffed Tatuma and sharing the recipe below.

This recipe is a variation on a basic stuffing recipe my mother, grandmothers and great grandmothers taught me as a child. It wasn’t written down. It is more about eyeballing the texture and tasting than measuring. I always wanted to help by tasting because I love stuffing. I’ve included approximate measurements for those who prefer a more exact recipe. The recipe can be altered to use any kind of herbs, grains, bread, croutons, nuts, meats or spices. I used mushrooms because I had them in my fridge. This makes 2-4 servings. 

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