Sub-Tropical Winter Gardening Food Forest Plant List

Looking for a food forest plant list for sub-tropical regions? Growing a sub-tropical or Southern California winter garden is simple with the right plant choices.

Reader Contribution by Joshua Burman Thayer
Updated on January 14, 2024
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by Joshua Burman Thayer
closeup of ripe avocado and foliage

Looking for a food forest plant list for sub-tropical regions? Growing a sub-tropical or Southern California winter garden is simple with the right plant choices.

As the first rains dapple the landscape, we still have an opportunity to plant our winter additions to the garden. By planting these plants now, you will allow for their continued growth throughout our wet-cool season in California. Because they are “ever-green,” these plants keep their leaves, continuing to develop all winter long.

Planting Citrus During Winter

Originating in the sub-tropical areas of Asia, citrus plants love our mild Bay Area winters. Citrus likes rich, fluffy soil. I find that raised mounds 12 to 24 inches tall work best. I amend calcium-magnesium organic soil feed into the bottom of the hole for each before planting. I then also feed each citrus twice a year with a top dressing of calcium-magnesium. Some favored options:

  • Citron. Citrus medica. Best of the citrus for its zest and oil.
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