Gardening Organically with Vegetables and Fruits

How and when to plant, and how to deal with common pests and diseases naturally, setting you on your way to growing organic vegetables and fruits in your garden.

By Staff
Updated on March 31, 2023
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by Adobestock/moodboard

Our comprehensive growing guide takes you through gardening organically for common vegetables and fruits for backyard vegetable gardeners.

Gardening Organically

Our comprehensive growing guides take you crop-by-crop through common vegetables and fruits for backyard vegetable gardening. Each guide explains how to plant, when to plant, best harvest practices, how to save seeds, and how to deal with common pests and diseases naturally, setting you on your way to growing organic vegetables and fruits in your home garden successfully.

In each crop guide, you’ll also find a list of the different crop types to consider growing, plus a list of recommended varieties for each type. If you’re curious about how to put a particular vegetable or fruit to good use in your cooking, check out the cooking headline in each guide.

Written by expert gardener Barbara Pleasant, our gardening organically pages teach you how to grow everything from garden classics such as tomatoes and squash to lesser-known crops such as Jerusalem artichokes. There’s a sweet satisfaction in growing your own food and filling your table with delicious, healthy produce. We hope these guides help you in your gardening journey, introduce you to new crops and growing techniques, assist when you have to troubleshoot a problem, and ultimately lead you to bigger, more successful harvests.

illustration of small round lettuce heads and oblong romaine lettuce heads laying together
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