
By Podcast Team, Kirsten Shockey, Christopher Shockey and Jonathan Carr
Published on July 18, 2019
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Fermented food, probiotics - kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, miso soup, tempeh, natto, kimchi, yogurt, mozzarella and gouda cheeses, cottage cheese.

In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, we are joined by Kirsten Shockey, Christopher Shockey, and Jonathan Carr as they discuss the wonderful world of microbes, what their favorite ferments are, and the many things in your home that you can do with what you create.


Kirsten and Christopher Shockey are the co-authors The Shockey’s got their start in fermenting foods 20 years ago on their 40-acre hillside smallholding, which grew into their organic food company. When they realized their passion was for the process, they chose to focus on teaching fermentation arts to others. They teach worldwide and host workshops on their homestead in southern Oregon

Jonathan Carr grows traditional American and European apple varieties, with his wife, Nicole Blum, which they use to create distinctive, handcrafted hard ciders and popular cider-based products following traditional, small-scale production methods.

Additional Resources:




Other Spirits

Vegetables and Nuts

Dairy and Eggs


Meat and Fish

Books by our guests:

Miso, Tempeh, Natto & Other Tasty Ferments: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fermenting Grains and Bean

Fiery Ferments

Ciderhouse Cookbook

Our Podcast Team:

Carla Tilghman and Jessica Mitchell
Charlotte French

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The Mother Earth News and Friends Podcasts are a production of Ogden Publications

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