Trade Week of Action

We are in the midst of the International Days of Action for democracy, social justice, and public services!

This week of action on trade justice could not have come at a more appropriate time. Last week, negotiators finalized the text of the Trans Pacific Partnership. Criticism of this massive trade deal, involving the US and 11 other countries, has come from diverse corners, including politicians on both the left and right, businesses, labor groups, environmental groups, and health advocates. The TPP is unfair by any calculation.

In the United States, the week of action is centered around a Call to Climate Action and day of action October 14th.  The connection between climate change policy and trade policy is vital. Author Naomi Klein has called the TPP a “grave threat to climate action.” The TPP would make it difficult for governments at both local and national level to take action on climate, because it would give the ability for corporations to block actions if they perceive profit loss. The TPP would also harm small-scale farmers, driving them from the land, at a time when we need to invest in small-scale farmers and ranchers who have the potential to actually sequester carbon.

This is why we have launched a campaign for climate, food, and farm justice, centered around World Food Day, which is also later this week, on October 16th. Small-scale farmers can feed the world and sequester carbon, mitigating both hunger and the effects of a changing climate, but not if we enact trade agreements like the TPP that favor large corporations and agribusiness.

A better world is possible, but we can’t afford to sit idly and wait for it. Take Action Today!

Posted on: October 12th 2015

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