2. Framing a Structure

There are a few different methods that can be used when framing a structure. For the climate cabin frame, our master carpenter, Mike Shellman, chose to go with a basic wood construction. It’s a common method that makes it easy to carry each component of the house by hand and secure it with a simple nail gun — no machinery or heavy lifting required. Here is an overview of the steps Mike took to frame the cabin that are covered in this segment:
- Marking the bottom and top plates for placement of studs.
- Building the walls.
- Raising, securing, leveling, straightening, and bracing the walls.
- Cutting out and framing windows and doors.
- Installing porch beams and joists.
- Constructing, lifting, placing, and securing trusses on top of the walls.
Follow Mikael’s blog as she journals her experience through this and every phase of the “climate” cabin construction. You’ll find her own musings along with additional research that went into the various decisions made about materials, size, techniques, and more.
For more information on Climate Farming, self-sufficiency and sustainable living, look for Johnny Appleseed Organic on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Stay up to date on developments at the Johnny Appleseed Organic Village by signing up for their free newsletter.
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