Hunting Small Wildlife

By Podcast Team and Dennis Biswell
Published on December 14, 2021
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by Adobestock/Marsha

In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, Dennis Biswell, an avid outdoorsman and lifelong hunter, joins us to discuss small-game hunting. He covers some of the benefits of hunting small wildlife, state regulations to consider, and how to safely and thoughtfully pursue squirrels, doves, rabbits, and more.

Dennis Biswell

headshot of man in camo

Dennis Biswell is an outdoor enthusiast and enjoys a variety of outdoor activities. He has hunted and fished all his life, and prefers hunting big game with a traditional muzzleloader or crossbow over modern firearms. Dennis processes all his wild game and uses as much of the animal as possible. He’s written articles on tanning hides, hunting, processing deer, and other outdoor skills in MOTHER EARTH NEWS and Grit magazine. He’s also given presentations at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIRS on processing deer, tanning hides, creating patterns, sewing home-tanned leather, and outdoor survival skills.

Additional Resources:

Hear more from Dennis and some of our other friends in our past episodes:

Game Hunting
Leathers and Furs: Preserving Animal Hides
Upland Game Birds

To learn more about hunting, check out:
National Wildlife Turkey Federation and JAKES Program
Pheasants Forever
Ducks Unlimited
Becoming an Outdoor Woman

Our Podcast Team: Carla Tilghman and Jessica Mitchell
Music for this episode is “Swansong” by Josh Woodward.

Listen to more podcasts at MOTHER EARTH NEWS PODCAST.

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Go to the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR page for an opportunity to see some of our podcast guests live.

The Mother Earth News and Friends Podcasts are a production of Ogden Publications

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