Comments on: An Honest Look at Honest Tea Labels Wed, 13 Sep 2017 06:31:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julie Brighton Wed, 13 Sep 2017 06:31:13 +0000 I bought Honest Tea Organic orange and mango tea. It gave me a migraine. I only get migraines when I eat or drink something that contains MSG. Honest Tea hides their MSG under two names on the label: “Organic Natural Flavors” and “Natural Flavors.” There’s no such thing as “Organic Natural Flavors”! It’s either organic or not! I will not be buying Honest Tea again. Awful stuff.

By: "Coconut Ed" Tue, 05 Aug 2014 00:18:52 +0000 Thank you for your research. It is all about the truth. Interesting enough we called on Honest Tea founders. They did not respond to our call to talk about sustainability in the tropics. And they are associated with Coca Cola and Yale University. Truly a disappointment to humanity and the plant and animal world. It really is too bad and an act of tyranny when people who are successful, corporations who are so large and make large amounts of money from “Dumbed down consumers” are so greedy that they worship money and material man made possessions more than nature. Some will buy a piece of nature for themselves but are so stupid and self centered not to realize that their industrialization and greed continues to destroy the natural world around them. They are truly just interested in the here and now and immediate self gratification. It is time for those with true grit to pull the rug from under their smelly feet.

Yours truly,

“Coconut Ed”

By: Saat-Rai Mon, 24 Dec 2012 08:06:02 +0000 Love this article, thanks. I also like the idea of making my own tea from direct fair trade sources. Sad to see that bottom-line profits still over-ride right action 🙁

By: lester freed Tue, 18 Dec 2012 19:18:33 +0000 Your Comments Stay on top of these underhanded methods.

By: deansbeans Tue, 18 Dec 2012 15:05:50 +0000 Thanks so much for this! I have been screaming about DisHonertea for two years, ever since they rolled out the Transfair label even before Transfair changed (subverted) the international rules. Interestingly, even though in the face of tremendous opposition Transfair rolled back some of its more heinous changes, it still gave licensees up to two years to comply, meaning that unethical players such as Honestea can confuse the public for two more years before they might have to clean up their act. And let’s not kid ourselves. In two years most folks will have forghotten about this and Transfair will sneak back into their regs whatever they want. That is how they have always been, after all as Paul Rice was fond of saying, Fair Trade is a “branding exercise” not a social/ethical movement.
