10th Issue of For a Better World Now Available

In this issue, we cover topics that are affecting everyone around the globe. With record- breaking heat waves, droughts, floods and super storms around the world, we focus our cover story on food, farming and climate change – and how small-scale farmers hold the power to mitigate climate change while feeding the world. Our cover artwork, created by Favianna Rodriguez, renowned artist and cultural organizer, depicts farmers who feed the world through regenerative organic growing methods.

While small farms are by and large more productive than big farms, we are fast losing small farms and farmers in many places, as big farms are getting bigger. Together, we can change this by standing with small- scale farmers and supporting brands that are dedicated to building strong relation- ships with them. We introduce some of these brands in our cover story, on our back cover, and in our regular in-depth brand feature article highlighting the success of Trade Aid, New Zealand’s largest committed fair trade brand.

Additional articles cover farmers fighting for justice in Washington state, the skyrocketing rates of herbicide and insecticide use on GMO crops and the role of pro-GMO media in suppressing this information, Dr. Vandana Shiva’s call for seed freedom and food democracy, and a new international fair trade labeling guide to help clarify the eco-social certification landscape. Two additional articles focus on policy, one examining the links between free trade agreements and migration from the Global South, and another examining how “ag-gag” laws prevent whistleblowers from exposing abuses and crimes on factory farms.

Find our publication at your local fair trade store, natural food store, or co-op grocer, or at larger natural foods chains such as Whole Foods Markets.

Posted on March 2nd 2015

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