Comments on: Valentine’s Day is almost here and we need to talk! Thu, 14 Feb 2019 17:12:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: YouMa Thu, 14 Feb 2019 17:12:02 +0000 In reply to ellie.

Thank you, Ellie. Yes, these so-called ‘holidays’ are mostly contrived and invented in the western countries to sell products and make money for the corporations. Nothing wrong with buying and selling and making money though, AS LONG AS IT supports honest people all along the chain. Look for local is my motto. Support ‘Fair Trade’ labels, organic labels and above all, question the source and the motives/intentions behind any and all holidays/events/products/marketing/etc. Love expressed with integrity!

By: ellie Thu, 14 Feb 2019 16:31:30 +0000 Thank you for your article.

Most holidays (especially in U.S.) are contrived and manipulated into existence and onto our calendars and psychological sense of ‘obligation’. Why? Profit. By whom? Owners of corporations pocketing the profit. Valentine’s Day is definitely a “Hallmark Holiday”, existing primarily for commercial purposes, i.e. profit, at the expense of the environment and peace of mind.

By: Charles Ford Thu, 14 Feb 2019 15:53:37 +0000 No one supports Valentines to aid and abet an abusive economic system. The prob;lem is not what is described here. This is the end result. The soultion is to require a free market having large numbers of nuyers and sellers. That can only be accomplished by ending vertical and horizontal integration of the process that inexorably leads to a cartel that then is wasteful and abusive to people around the world.

By: corinne Wed, 13 Feb 2019 03:46:12 +0000 what partners do you have in Australia? sydney and other states?
