The Best Houseplants for Each Room in Your Home

By Allison Martin
Published on April 13, 2015
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Spider plant is nontoxic to pets.

If you’re struggling to know where to put plants in house, use our space-by-space guide–from kitchen to bedroom–to the best houseplants for each room.

Disclaimer: Always research houseplants when considering adding them to houses with pets or small children. Though the ASPCA lists spider plant as nontoxic to cats and dogs, it can cause stomach upset and diarrhea if eaten in large amounts.

Houseplants are a balm for the part of ourselves that longs for the outdoors, even as we appreciate the security of four walls to call our own. Indeed, plants in our living space just seem to make us…better. Greenery itself is rejuvenating. For example, a study published in Environmental Science & Technology showed that simply moving to a greener urban area correlated with mental-health gains. Green space has also been linked with lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Studies by the University of Illinois’ Landscape and Human Health Laboratory have shown that exposure to nature helps hyperactive children regulate their behavior; in these studies, just viewing nature improved a child’s ability to control impulses.

Rubber Tree In Red Pot

Best Houseplants for Each Room

So bringing plants indoors seems like a no-brainer. In fact, the presence of houseplants does seem to help with concentration. Researchers found that having plants in an office boosts focus, according to a study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology. But indoor botanicals can do more for us than improve mood and productivity. They can actually improve the air quality in our homes in a number of ways, too.

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