10 Clay Plaster Projects for Natural Homes

Reader Contribution by Atulya K. Bingham
Published on November 11, 2017
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Atulya K. Bingham
These clay plaster projects ideas–from mosaics to wall sculptures and cob ovens–will get you started with earthen plaster building.

People are often fascinated by the structure of my earth-bag home, but in truth, building the structure was the easy part. It’s the plaster that is an art — and a science. It took me only 6 weeks to build my earth-bag house, but almost 2 years to get my plaster sitting beautifully on my walls without cracks or bits of it falling off. At times, I thought it might have even been witchcraft.

It doesn’t have to take that long to learn earth plaster as a natural building technique, though. I was sitting atop a remote hill in Turkey, not receiving the correct information about how to deal with my soil and my climate. After I learned the art of mud rendering appropriate for my climate, it opened up a whole world of possibilities. Now I know it as one of the most useful skills I’ve ever learned.

What is Earth Plaster (What is Clay Plaster)?

Earth plaster (also known as “clay plaster”) is made from a mixture of earth, clay, straw and sand. The clay is the binding element, hence why it’s also called clay plaster. Sometimes other ingredients are added into the mixture for various reasons, perhaps to water proof the plaster or to help it adhere better, or to mitigate dampness. Each stage of plaster creation and application is crucial to success. You need to know how to mix it, test it, and apply it.

Here’s an incomplete list of just what you can do with earth plaster. The beauty of using this medium, of course, is that it’s insanely inexpensive to make things out of mud. Most of the time, it’s free. And if you’d like to know how to make it, I have a free PDF here.

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