Comments on: Roots in Revolution Mon, 09 Jul 2018 22:15:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: stuart Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:30:07 +0000 I have visited Nicaragua many times on short and long vacations, and have found it one of the safest countries in Central America (a lot more so than Mexico which is a popular destination for vacationing Americans). From what I gather from these visits, not from the US media, the changes made by the Sandinista government was hugely productive in social reform. And what is up with people finding it so hard to distinguish between Socialism and Communism? They are very different concepts! France, Sweden and Britain are considered Socialist countries – as was the Sandinista government….. Is the American media “brainwashing” its citizens that efficiently????

By: Dhanpreet Kaur Mon, 31 Mar 2014 18:47:40 +0000 Revolutions has proven over and over throughout history that they do not work, specially “Communism” does not work for people. This is well documented along the 56 years of Castro Communism dictatorship, where human rights are violated, the constitution, extreme poverty and total control and domination of the Regime party. Agriculture in Cuba and its revolution was and is a total failure. This is the same model they are exporting to Nicaragua, which depends mostly of energy provided by Venezuela (where the Castro Communist Regime is assassinating, torturing and jailing its own people). Castro’s model is one of corruption, injustice, no freedom and no democracy. Andropov already explained the failure of Communism in history, as it goes against human nature. The Nicaragua model is based on land that belongs to the Government, so they control the cooperatives 100%. This is a very much “FALSE” revolution (or robe-lution) in Nicaragua, where Regime leaders which are “Closet Capitalists” (as they got all the real benefits/profits/control). Review the Communal Law, where Private property does not exists but the Regime is the omnipotent. You need to really present a study of the law and the truth (nor Regime manufactured/massage data) as Nicaragua has not evolved for better and it is not in a better place ethically, morally nor financially; Nicaragua people are just being heavenly brainwashed. What is needed in the World is an “EVOLUTION”, not false,manipulative revolutions which is really a “robe-lution”. Nicaragua is not even a safe place to spend a short vacation. Totalitarian regimens and their means of domination and control are one of the important things that we as human beings need to eradicate and revoke, once and for all out of Planet Earth.
