Norway Sees Drastic Increase in Hybrid Vehicle Registrations

Reader Contribution by Cleantechnica
Published on February 23, 2018
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In 2017, Norway saw a major increase in the number of hybrid and plug-in vehicles that were being registered. New data from the independent Norwegian Road Federation (OFV) has revealed that over half of the new vehicles registered in the country in 2017 were for plug-in electric cars or hybrids, surpassing fossil fuel-run cars for the first time anywhere in the world. Although this is great progress, Norway’s goal is for the country to have only 100 percent electric cars sold in the country by the year 2025.

No other country is this close to possibly eliminating fossil fuel vehicles on the road. Even though hybrids still partially use fossil fuels – they just use the fuel more efficiently – the market is still beginning to tip in favor of ecofriendly vehicles.

The Norwegian EV Association has tracked this progress of the growth of electric vehicles (EVs) actively on the roads, and have provided the statistics and facts below:

• There are now more than 140,000 fully electric cars on Norwegian roads; when plug-in hybrids are added, the number of electric cars surpasses 200,000.

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