Positive Progress Between Sakuma Brothers Farm and Familias Unidas por la Justicia

Positive Progress Between Sakuma Brothers Farm and Familias Unidas por la Justicia

August 30, 2016



Fair World Project is pleased to report positive progress in talks between Sakuma Brothers Farm (Sakuma) and Familias Unidas por la Justicia (FUJ).


FUJ, an independent farmworker union, has been asking to negotiate a contract with management on behalf of farmworkers since 2013. Earlier this year Sakuma agreed to discuss this process. FUJ president Ramon Torres and Sakuma CEO Danny Weeden met for the first time on July 14, 2016.


Since that time, both Sakuma and FUJ have been working together in good faith towards agreement on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU outlines a fair election process to confirm FUJ as the elected representative of the farmworkers at Sakuma and the contract negotiation process that would follow their election.


The next meeting between Sakuma and FUJ will take place on August 31, 2016. This will be a closed meeting. However, once the MOU is finalized, Sakuma and FUJ are expected to make a joint announcement outlining the next steps of the process.


Fair World Project has been honored to serve as a neutral observer for these meetings. We appreciate the continued support of all allies who share our eagerness to see a fair resolution that benefits both the farmworkers and the farm business as both parties continue to work together to create a farm that is socially and financially sustainable.

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FUJ Sakuma update from FWP

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