Comments on: Fair World Project Statement Regarding Fair Trade USA (FTUSA) Apparel Program Sat, 30 Nov 2013 19:57:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nicole C Sat, 30 Nov 2013 19:57:41 +0000 Hopefully these small steps towards progress and fairness will begin growing and compounding so much that we see actually change towards a healthier world, society, eco system, and all that really matters while we are here on earth.

By: Gloria Garrido Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:32:51 +0000 I would be curious what other certifiers are doing. Is anyone else trying to help factory workers? To me it seems they are trying to make some difference. And if we use the tragedy in Banglagesh as an example, it makes sense to me for factory workers to also have better working conditions. About the specifics on standards, what is SA8000? Where can I read about this? If there are better options out there, I think it would be nice to include these here and provide alternatives, versus calling one organization out. It would provide a better argument in any case, especially to the uninformed, average reader and consumer like me. Thanks.

By: Gloria Garrido Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:29:50 +0000 I would be curious what other certifiers are doing. Is anyone else trying to help factory workers? To me it seems they are trying to make some difference. And if we use the tragedy in Banglagesh as an example, it makes sense to me for factory workers to also have better working conditions – you have to begin somewhere. About the specifics on standards, what is SA8000? Where can I read about this? If there are better options out there, I think it would be nice to include these here and provide alternatives, versus calling one organization out. It would provide a better argument in any case, especially to the uninformed, average reader and consumer like me. Thanks.

By: larry mahlis Tue, 12 Nov 2013 21:46:09 +0000 Your Comments

By: Robert M. Cerello Tue, 12 Nov 2013 21:30:52 +0000 Corporate opponents of desperately-needed regulations, individual rights guarantees and real marketplaces of fully informed minds stand between us and every progress, every reform, every repait this country must have, and soon. We ask that the top-down bureaucratic nonsense wrecking this nation’s citizens’ lives be fixed. Begin the process. The producer matters; the executive at a corporation doesn’t unless he supports categorically equal rights for all citizens and the relative incompetence of his mediocre input. Full disclosure laneling, the rights of the more able to expect and earn jobs, promotions and executive leadership positions cannot be questioned, cannot be ignored. End the tyranny of public interest excused totalitarianism. Now.
