Build an Off-Grid Cabin in the Woods and Turn it Into a Profitable Business (With Video)

More than a quiet place to read a book and enjoy nature, our off-grid cabin makes us some additional homestead revenue

Reader Contribution by Kerry Mann
Updated on December 31, 2021
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Photo by Kerry Mann
This is our off grid cabin we built on our homestead.

We decided to build an off-grid cabin in the woods on our 20-acre homestead that could possibly make us some additional homestead revenue. Our reasons? We wanted a quiet place to read a book and a cozy cabin to enjoy nature. But we also wanted a place that could possibly make us some additional homestead revenue when we are not using it ourselves. We run several small businesses from our homestead.

Off-Grid Building Uses Consideration

We considered many options (some unusual) like a frontier cabin original to the time period. We thought about making it an off-grid cabin that we could rent out on AirBnB for those who want to experience the off-grid lifestyle for a weekend. We even considered a cabin that we could convert to an indoor golf simulator (powered by solar) that we could rent out.

We’ve already hosted two successful AirBnB properties. We considered many ideas but couldn’t nail one down, so we decided to build the off-grid structure with several potential uses in mind. Here is what we did and what we learned. We made a video showcasing the entire build, start to finish You can see the video at the bottom of this post.

Our Past Experience

At , we are not new to construction projects. We’ve built a greenhouse, remodeled our homestead and built 2 entire off grid tiny houses on our homestead. One of those tiny houses we used as an off grid Airbnb rental and later sold it and the other Tiny House we built for a customer (who liked our 1st tiny house on Airbnb).

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